
Renewable Energy Feasibility Research Program

Aurora Research Institute (ARI) has worked with several partners, including the Government of the Northwest Territories, Energy Division, to perform wind and solar energy monitoring campaigns across the Northwest Territories. These campaigns produce data that is then used to make informed decisions about future monitoring campaigns and renewable energy investments.

WARC Renewable Energy Demonstration Projects

The Western Arctic Research Centre (WARC) hosts three renewable energy installations. These projects all look to harness the power of the sun to reduce the amount of energy the building needs to get from the grid while also providing data to others interested in seeking similar solutions.

Manufacture and Use of Cardboard Pellets in Inuvik, NT

The purpose of this project is to investigate the use of locally diverted waste cardboard to produce fuel pellets in Inuvik, NT. The remote location of Inuvik means that residents and businesses rely heavily on fossil fuels transported up the Dempster highway by truck.

Wind Energy Potential

In order to assess the feasibility of using wind energy in communities across the NWT, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) and the Aurora Research Institute (ARI) have been conducting wind energy studies in the NWT for nearly ten years. Wind monitoring programs have been established in several locations in order to provide communities with a clear picture of their local wind resources.
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