Research CASH




Research CA$H (Capacity, Access, and Strength Here) is  an online grant-writing workshop presented in collaboration between Aurora Research Institute and Hotıì ts’eeda: NWT SPOR SUPPORT unit. This workshop is presented in phases that will guide participants through the development of a high quality, submission-ready research funding proposal to one of the Tri-Council agencies (SSHRC, CIHR, and NSERC). Our purpose is to build Northern research capacity and increase access to federal research funding programs for NWT researchers and communities.


Welcome Message from Dr. John B. Zoe


Phase 1: Introduction to Research in the Northwest Territories 

Session 1: Welcome to the Research CA$H Online Grant Writing Workshop

Welcome to Research CA$H: How to Navigate this Online Workshop

Basics of a Research Proposal

Session 2: Before You Begin: Considerations before Undertaking Research in the NWT

What is Research?

Considerations Before Undertaking Research in the NWT

Introduction to the Federal Research Funding Environment in Canada

Federal Research Funding in Canada – VIDEO

Session 3: Developing a Research Question and Design 

Formulating a Research Question - VIDEO

Is this a Good Research Question? Troubleshooting FAQ

Introduction to Research Methodologies: Considering your Research Design 

Phase 2: Developing a Research Proposal

Session 4: Building Research Relationships



Building Research Relationships: 

A conversation with Meghan Etter, Nellie Elanik, and Audrey Giles (Project Jewel) and Evelyn Storr and Ali Assi (H. Pylori Project)

ResearchCA$H Top Tips: Building Research Relationships

Institutional Eligibility

Session 5: NWT Community Perspectives on Research

NWT Community Perspectives on Research:

A conversation with Dr. John B. Zoe (Tłı̨chǫ Government), Lisa McDonald (Norman Wells Renewable Resource Council), and Tim Heron (NWT Métis Nation)

Research CA$H Top Tips: NWT Community Perspectives on Research

Session 6: Research Oversight in the NWT (Research Licensing, Ethics, and Regulations)

Research CA$H Tops Tips: Research Oversight in the NWT

Research Licensing Guidance for Researchers

TCPS 2: Course on Research Ethics (CORE)

Session 7: Budget and Grant Administration 

Research CA$H Top Tips: Budgeting

Budgeting Research - VIDEO

Research CA$H Top Tips: Tri-Agency Grant Financial Administration

Tri-Agency Grant Financial Administration - VIDEO

Microsoft: Budget Templates
Microsoft Excel Tour

Session 8: Putting it all Together: Building a Proposal for Research Funding

Research Proposals - Putting It All Together - VIDEO

Successful Grants - Two SSHRC Examples

Phase 3: Perfecting your Application

Session 9:  Tri-Council Funding Program Resources

For more information about Tri-Council Research Grants, check out the following websites:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Canadian Institute for Health Research

Session 10: Advanced Proposal Writing Workshop Slides - Social Sciences and Humanities

Session 1: Knowledge Mobilization

Session 2: Integrating Training and Mentoring

Session 3: Budget

Session 4: Project Summary

Session 10: Advanced Proposal Writing Workshop Slides - Natural Sciences and Engineering

Session 1: Most significant contributions to research

Session 2: Knowledge mobilization and research impact

Session 3: Budgeting

Session 4: Highly qualified personnel training and mentorship plan



ResearchCA$H is a virtual resource brought to you by the Aurora Research Institute and Hotıì ts'eeda. Many thanks to our funders the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Education, Culture & Employment.

Many thanks to our community experts and panelists Lisa McDonald, Tim Heron, Dr. John B. Zoe, Nellie Elanik, Evelyn Storr, Meghan Etter, Dr. Audrey Giles, and Dr. Ali Assi for sharing knowledge and expertise.

Many thanks to Dr. Kyla Reid and the  Office for Research Initiatives and Services at Carleton University for the development and delivery of our Advanced Proposal Writing Workshop for SSHRC Funding Programs.

Many thanks to Dr. Ildiko de Boer, Shawna Reibling, Dr. Stephanie Whitney, Dr. Agnes Bantigue, Dr. Lara Green, and the Office of Research Services at Wilfrid Laurier University for the development and delivery of our Advanced Proposal Writing Workshop for NSERC Funding Programs.

All live panel and workshop sessions facilitated by Jennie Vandermeer of Jennie Vandermeer Consulting.

For any questions or feedback about Research CA$H, please email