
The AgNorth study, a pre-fresibility study to look at high technology greenhouses in the NWT.

The results of the 2007-2008 Mallik Gas Hydrates Research Program have been formally released as Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Bulletin 601.

Dr. Christopher Burn, a researcher in the Mackenzie delta area since 1987, is presenting his evidence for warming of permafrost in the outer Mackenzie delta area.

Dr. Grant Zazula, Government of Yukon paleontologist, will be visiting the Western Arctic Research Centre in Inuvik.

The Aurora Research Institute in Inuvik is sponsoring an after school electronics and robotics club.



The Water and Climate Impacts Research Centre from Victoria, BC presents graduate student's research on Climate Change in the Mackenzie Delta Region.

2009/2010 Compendium of Research in the Northwest Territories is now available.

Curious Wood Bison in Sweetgrass, WBNP 2010

Integrating Human Dimensions Research in Wood Buffalo National Park: Understanding Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values toward Wood Bison and Bison Management: A project by Memorial...

Wind Monitoring Station

Progress reports and pre-feasibility studies for the 2011-12 NWT Wind Monitoring Program.
