Northern Research Priorities

Government Research Priorities for the Norwest Territories

Some Government Departments have developed their own research priorities or agendas that they would like to have shared with the scientific community:

For more information on how the GNWT, HSS supports research in the NWT visit their website: Heath and Social Services

Community Research Priorities

The NWT is home to a diverse set of community organizations with varying geopolitical influences, research interests, and challenges. Local organizations provide unique points of view on NWT research, and many have identified priorities for their regions. These organizations are valuable sources of information for scientists, and consultation with them is a crucial step in conducting successful research projects within the Territory. The following organizations have offered their guidance to those planning research projects within their respective regions of the NWT:

- Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board:
               Priorities for 2013-2018 and Research Interests
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Northwest Territories Metis Nation
Sambaa K'e Dene Band
Knowledge Agenda:Northern Research for Northern Priorities