These templates have been developed to help you communicate the results of your research by focusing on common questions and concerns. By using these templates, scientists can be sure important information will not be overlooked and they can tailor their communication to the needs of an NWT community audience. This package of templates was developed by the Aurora Research Insitute and the GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources thanks to support from the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation.
Communicating Results with Communities: An Overview
1. Project Findings Template: This summary is designed to be distributed among community members, policy-makers and other potential knowledge-users. You may find that it will help you provide all of the information knowledge-users need in plain language and in a recognizable format.
2. PowerPoint Presentation Template: Follow the instructions in this PowerPoint guidance template to produce a plain language presentation of your findings. This may help you ensure that information is relevant, clearly organized and easy for your audience to understand.
3. Plain Language Checklist: Review this checklist before you start writing to become familiar with the characteristics of plain language writing. When you are finished writing, use the checklist to review your work to ensure it complies with plain language principles. This tool was developed by the NWT Literacy Council. Other plain language tools can be accessed at the NWT Literacy Council and