
Water sampling on Noell Lake

Summer Student's experience sampling water at Noell Lake.

Northern Public Affairs cover

The new publication, Northern Public Affairs is bringing fresh ideas and analysis to pressing public policy issues affecting Northern Canadians.

Roberta Bondar

Roberta Bondar, Canada's first woman astronaut is coming to Fort Smith! Come out to her presentation Monday June 11th.

A MSc Student Position is open for a collaboration project between Donald Baird (Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick) and Sarah Rosolen (Aurora Research Institute, Fort Smith, Northwest Territories).The student would be registered in the graduate program in the Biology at UNB Fredericton, but would have the opportunity to spend extended periods conducting field work in northern communities.

The Tlicho Healing Wind Project is designed to develop sexual health intervention strategies including the Aurora College Speaker Series. The Aurora College Speaker Series was developed to increase public awareness and to engage research dialogue.

Each year, the Aurora Research Institute awards funding in support of research in the NWT. 

Two sources of funds are available: the Research Assistant Program provides...

Aurora College's headquarters for scientific research in the NWT moved to new and better digs in April.

Aurora Research Institute - which previously operated out of a...
